
Characteristics of a visual impairment

A visual impairment can present certain obstacles during your degree programme. If you are blind or have a visual impairment, you may have problems related to written or other communication or information. Certain buildings may not be accessible to you. A visual impairment can present itself in a variety of ways: it may affect the ability to focus, the field of vision, the quality of a person's sight and/or the way their brain interprets visual stimuli.

This is what I deal with

Obstacles faced by students with a visual impairment

As a student with a visual impairment, you may find yourself facing a variety of obstacles. Because you miss non-verbal signals, you may have trouble interpreting information that is communicated orally, for instance during a lecture. The study material might not always be accessible. Written assignments might be difficult for you, and reading in particular will be more time-consuming for you than for other students. In addition, not all buildings used by educational institutions are accessible.

  • Problems taking part in education. An example of a problem might be if your lecturer were to use a PowerPoint presentation during the lecture.
  • Problems with testing. Not all forms of testing may be accessible for you. You can ask (ahead of time) whether it is possible for you to take an exam on a laptop instead of on paper.
  • Lack of energy. You have to put in a great deal of effort in order to study. It takes you a long time to complete the reading for your programme, longer than your classmates. This can place heavy demands on your energy.

Even though these obstacles may cause difficulties, you can rest assured that more than enough tools and solutions are available that can help you successfully complete your degree programme. In the preceding section, click on the obstacle you are facing with which you could use some help. You can then read a lot more about that topic and find additional tips and tools. If your specific obstacle is not mentioned above, please refer to the comprehensive list of obstacles.

What facilities, adjustments and regulations are there specifically for me?

This is what I might need

Support and facilities for students with a visual impairment

A variety of adjustments and/or facilities are available that may be helpful to you during your degree programme. While there are national schemes, your educational institution will offer its own forms of additional support, too.

As a student with a visual impairment, you might have a need for the following:

  • Guidance and advice. Some educational institutions have a buddy system. A buddy can help you with things like finding your way around the buildings or can answer your questions about studying with a disability. Ask your study adviser about this.
  • Adjusted study schedule. Some buildings may be less accessible or inaccessible to you because of your visual impairment. You can discuss whether it might be possible for more of your lectures to be held in the lecture halls that are accessible to you.
  • Financial schemes. Your chronic illness might cause you to incur a study delay or prevent you from holding a part-time job. A variety of financial schemes are available from the Education Executive Agency (DUO), the municipality in which you live and your educational institution.

Have a look at the other facilities that might be helpful for you, too.

Where can I get help at my educational institute?


An assistance dog


An assistance dog is welcome everywhere in principle. Reasonable adjustments must be made within educational institutions. Reasonable means that the adaptation should not place a disproportionate burden on the organisation. So if it costs too much money or time, the adaptation need not be made. Where the limit lies is difficult to say and that also makes this complex. It is therefore very important that the student and the student dean enter into a dialogue to find out what is needed and to be creative in solutions. For example, that the student in particular receives education in one building, if this is more accessible for the dog. Or that not too many classes are scheduled consecutively for the student, because the dog also needs to go outside sometimes.

At the Human Rights Board, you can read judgments around discrimination due to disability and an assistance dog. This provides more guidance on where the boundary of disproportionate burden lies.

Inform the school in time about your visual impairment


It is a good idea to go ahead and get in touch with a study adviser before your degree programme begins. That way, you can make agreements about the facilities that will help you be as successful as possible in your studies. If you would prefer to wait and see how things go in connection with your degree programme, remember that you can always schedule an appointment with the study adviser later on!

Do not wait to ask for help


Every student is different, and every individual needs a different type of help. It is important to explore the options and find what works for you. Do not be afraid to ask for help at the first signs of trouble. Asking for help is actually a sign of strength, because it lets others know how much you want to succeed in your degree programme. Talk to a study adviser for your programme and ask them about the possibilities available to you. It is a good idea to take a moment first to write down what you need and what kind of support you think would be helpful to you. You should immediately seek help if you run into obstacles to your education because of your special needs. Together, you can explore whether this might affect rules such as the binding study advice (BSA) or the attendance requirement and how they apply to you.

Assistive technology and specialist services

  • Babbage offers solutions to people with a visual disability within work, study or home situations. They do this by deploying assistive technology and specialist services.
  • There are many different aids available for people with a visual impairment. Besides Braille, glasses and walking with a stick, there is so much more nowadays. Bartiméus offers solutions for people with visual and mental disabilities, for whom there are unfortunately still few technological solutions available on the market.
  • Adjusted books from Dedicon. (Dutch) Dedicon can adapt textbooks to make them suitable for many different forms of reading, such as braille. A book can also be converted into an Edu-text file, allowing you to read it using a screen reader.
  • Screen readers. There are various screen readers that can enlarge text and convert it to speech, such as JAWS (available for purchase), NVDA (free) and Supernova (available for purchase). These programmes can also operate a braille display. Digital books from Dedicon can be converted into Word documents that can be read by screen readers.
  • Testing facilities. It may be possible for you to get extra time to take a test and/or receive a large-print version of the test. Your educational institution may have individual rooms or workspaces that you can use. You can also ask to use your own laptop when taking an exam or request a laptop from your educational institution that has the software you need on it. You might be able to take written exams in oral form instead. Talk to your study adviser about this.
  • OrCam. The OrCam is an innovative minicamera that can instantly make inaccessible information accessible. You can use it to read texts on the digiboard, but it can also help you find your way in the buildings at your educational institution. Ask the Social Security Agency (Dutch) whether you could be reimbursed for the OrCam (fully or in part) under the category of ‘workplace adjustment’.

Fixatie Disparatie (FD)


Tijdens je studie kan je tegen verschillende uitdagingen aanlopen, vooral bij activiteiten als intensief lezen en schrijven. 

Kenmerken van Fixatie Disparatie:

  • Dubbelzien of beelden die niet goed uitlijnen
  • Moeite met lezen (woorden kunnen lijken te bewegen, vervagen of verdubbelen)
  • Hoofdpijn of oogspanning
  • Moeite met concentreren, vooral tijdens taken die visuele focus vereisen.

Enkele tips die jou daarbij kunnen helpen, zijn:

  1. Aangepaste leesmaterialen: Gebruik grotere lettertypes en regelafstanden. Sommige studenten hebben baat bij het gebruik van gekleurde overlays of speciale brilglazen die het contrast verhogen en visuele stress verminderen.
  2. Regelmatige pauzes: Langdurig focussen kan extra vermoeiend zijn voor iemand met FD. Het inlassen van korte pauzes tijdens lees- of schrijfwerk helpt om oogvermoeidheid en concentratieproblemen te verminderen.
  3. Goede verlichting: Zorg voor voldoende en gepaste verlichting tijdens het studeren. Slecht licht kan symptomen van FD verergeren, zoals hoofdpijn en dubbelzien.
  4. Ergonomische studieomgeving: Een goed ingerichte studieplek kan helpen de belasting van de ogen te verminderen. Zorg ervoor dat de tekst op ooghoogte staat en dat het scherm of boek ongeveer een armlengte van de ogen verwijderd is.
  5. Gebruik van technologie: Technologische hulpmiddelen zoals tekst-naar-spraak software of audioboeken kunnen nuttig zijn voor het verwerken van informatie zonder intensief visueel focus.
  6. Communicatie met docenten: Het is belangrijk dat docenten op de hoogte zijn van de aandoening, zodat zij rekening kunnen houden met de specifieke behoeften van de student. Mogelijk zijn er aanpassingen nodig, zoals extra tijd voor toetsen of het toestaan van het opnemen van lessen.
  7. Visuele training: Sommige studenten kunnen baat hebben bij therapieën die gericht zijn op het verbeteren van de samenwerking tussen de ogen. Een specialist of orthoptist kan specifieke oefeningen aanbevelen die gericht zijn op het versterken van de oogspieren en het verbeteren van de oogsamenwerking.

Aanvragen spraakcomputer


Om een vergoeding te krijgen voor een spraakcomputer is niet makkelijk. De volgende stappen helpen je erbij: 

  1. Ondersteunende documentatie verzamelen: Je logopedist moet een onderbouwende brief schrijven waarin uitgelegd wordt waarom de spraakcomputer nodig is. Hierin moet worden besproken hoe het apparaat de communicatie verbetert en wat de gevolgen zijn als het hulpmiddel niet wordt vergoed.
  2. Medische verklaring: Vraag een arts om een medische verklaring waarin jouw behoefte aan het communicatiehulpmiddel wordt bevestigd.
  3. Advies van een OC-leverancier: Laat de leverancier van het communicatiehulpmiddel ook zijn of haar advies toevoegen. Zij kunnen specifieke details geven over hoe het hulpmiddel bijdraagt aan de communicatiebehoeften.
  4. Stepped-care uitleggen: Leg uit dat eenvoudigere hulpmiddelen, zoals pictogrammen of fotoboekjes, niet volstaan voor de communicatiebehoeften. Het is belangrijk te benadrukken dat deze alternatieven niet alle communicatieve functies dekken.
  5. Functionaliteit van het hulpmiddel: Zorg dat duidelijk is dat het hulpmiddel gebruiksklaar moet zijn en op verschillende plaatsen (thuis, school, buiten) ingezet kan worden. Leg uit dat het essentieel is dat de spraakcomputer direct klaar is voor gebruik.
  6. Criteria algemeen gebruikelijke voorziening: Argumenteer waarom het hulpmiddel niet als een algemeen gebruikelijke voorziening gezien kan worden. Dit betekent dat het specifiek ontworpen moet zijn voor mensen met een beperking en niet gemakkelijk financieel draagbaar is voor iemand met een minimuminkomen.
  7. Medical Device Regulation (MDR): Verzeker dat de leverancier voldoet aan de MDR-criteria, wat garandeert dat het hulpmiddel veilig is en goed functioneert. Dit omvat risicoanalyses, handleidingen, tests, en evaluaties.
  8. Verzenden van de aanvraag: De OC-leverancier moet alle documenten, inclusief hun eigen advies en de medische verklaring, bundelen en naar de zorgverzekeraar sturen.

Door deze stappen zorgvuldig te volgen en te zorgen voor sterke onderbouwing in de documentatie, vergroot je de kans op goedkeuring van de vergoeding voor jouw noodzakelijke communicatiehulpmiddel.

Experience stories

Read the experience stories of others here

  • Marjon: Belemmeringen bij studeren met een visuele beperking (blog) - in Dutch
  • Share your experience story too. With your experience story, you can give others, such as education professionals and fellow students, an insight into what goes well and what could be better when studying with special needs. A source of inspiration with tips, hints and flops. Together with you, ECIO provides an experience story with impact. 
Do you have a question?


Through the tool 'Hulpwijzer'[Help Guide], you can find organisations that have expertise on your support needs. Check out the possibilities.