
Possibilities for accommodations at your internship or job

The Social Security Agency can supply adjustments or reimburse you for their purchase. Examples include a refreshable braille display or orthopaedic work shoes. Your employer can request reimbursement from the Social Security Agency for any adjustments they have made to the workplace or company.

As an employee or internship student, you can apply for accommodations to the Social Security Agency as well. It is important that you contact the relevant agencies to request accommodations well ahead of the date on which the internship or job starts.

It is also wise to avoid going out and purchasing the aids on your own – you should always submit a request first. This is because the Social Security Agency does not reimburse all purchases and provides some aids via its own channels.

Where can I get help at my educational institute?


Indicate that you are having difficulty finding an internship or job due to your special need


Your educational institution can offer you advice and show you where to find additional assistance, such as available courses or useful organisations that can offer you further help. Please contact your educational institute about this.

You are not required to inform your internship company of your disability


It is up to you whether you tell them about your disability, both during the interview process and once you begin the internship. It is, however, usually wise to mention your disability. When you do, it gives you a chance to explain what your disability entails and which obstacles you may run into during your internship. You can do this under the guidance of the internship supervisor if you like. That way, the internship company can take your needs into account.

If you are being paid for an internship, this may affect the amount of your young disabled persons (Wajong) benefit


When you receive the Wajong benefit, you must report your income to the Social Security Agency!

Choose an internship lecturer who knows about your situation/disability


Please contact your educational institute about this.

Take your time: there is no need to rush when looking for a suitable internship/internship supervisor.


Please contact your educational institute about this.

Internship progress meetings


If needed, you can request extra internship progress meetings with your internship supervisor and internship lecturer.

What you should share with your internship company


Explain your medical situation to your supervisor and colleagues at the internship, but focus more on what you can do, why you are there and what they should be aware of in order to help you.

What you should do before starting the search for an internship


Before you begin looking for an internship, write down your learning objectives, your ambition, which tools/aids you need and your areas for attention, so that you have a clear picture of these things.

How do I get in touch with other students with special needs?