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Adjusted study schedule

Research universities and universities of applied sciences often offer possibilities for adjustments to timetables, schedules and exam dates when these form an obstacle for a student. See below for the opportunities.

Where can I get help at my educational institute?


How to inform your educational institution about your special need at the start of your degree programme

  • It can be a good idea to request a meeting with a study adviser or student counsellor as soon as possible. Provide information about your special need before you begin your degree programme. That way, you and your degree programme can come up with agreements to help you be as successful as possible in your studies.
  • If you have a special need that is presenting obstacles to your education, you should tell the school as soon as possible. Together, you can explore whether this might affect rules such as the binding study advice (BSA) or the attendance requirement and how they apply to you.

What to do if your situation changes during your degree programme


Be sure to keep your adviser up to date about your disability and what you need in terms of support, including when there are changes in your situation. That way, you can stay in touch and keep discussing how to help you study as effectively as possible. It will also give your degree programme the chance to offer – or keep offering – the help you need.

How do I get in touch with other students with special needs?