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When you have a disability or a special need, you might rely on tools or aids to help you participate in lessons or take tests or exams during your degree programme at a university of applied sciences or research university. This might involve extra time when taking exams, using text-to-speech or dictation software, using a laptop or access to a low-stimulus space.  

Nationwide schemes

In the Netherlands, there are nationwide schemes that might provide you with financial assistance for making the study material accessible to you, so you can be successful in your studies. In some cases, you can request aids from the Social Security Agency or receive funds from them for that purpose. Please note: do not go out and buy the accommodations yourself without talking to the Social Security Agency first. If you do, you run the risk of an unpleasant surprise if reimbursement turns out not to be an option!

Schemes at your educational institution

To help them take part in education and with regard to testing, students with a special need can often choose from multiple forms of adjustment. Below, a number of examples are given of the possibilities for aids and adjustments. These options can differ from one educational institution to the next. There may also be other additional options besides these accommodations. Look up your educational institute here to find out!

Where can I get help at my educational institute?


Contact the Social Security Agency about the procurement and reimbursement of accommodations


The Social Security Agency has a network of permanent suppliers for the procurement and reimbursement of accommodations. You should therefore always contact the Social Security Agency first before purchasing any accommodations.

Contact your educational institute to find the solution that best fits your needs


On this page, we have provided several examples of possible aids and adjustments. But there are numerous other possibilities as well. With that in mind, you should always contact your educational institution to discuss which educational and testing aids are the best fit for your special needs.

Deployment of assistive technology and specialist services


Visual impairment:

  • Babbage offers solutions to people with visual impairment, within work, study or home situations. They do this by deploying supporting technology and specialist services.
  • Since 2021, Visio Education has had various helpdesks for pupils with visual disabilities and for teachers, parents, educational supervisors and anyone involved in teaching or supporting pupils and students with visual disabilities, both inside and outside Visio. At the moment, there are helpdesks for the subjects maths, physics, biology, chemistry and movement and sports.
  • Visio launches SenseMath: an app that makes mathematical functions audible. Read more about this tool on, watch the video about SenseMath on YouTube.
  • Adapted books from Dedicon. Dedicon can convert textbooks into many different reading formats, for example braille. Or they can make an Edu-text file of the book, so that you can read it with a screen reader.
  • Screen readers. There are several screen readers that can pronounce and magnify text, such as JAWS (free), NVDA (free) and Supernova (paid). These programs can also control a braille display. Digital books from Dedicon can be converted to Word files readable by screen readers.
  • Test facilities. For a test you may be able to get extra time and/or an enlarged version of the test. Your educational institution may have individual rooms that you can use. You can also ask if you can use your own laptop to take an exam, or a laptop from your educational institution with the software you need. Perhaps written exams can be taken orally. Discuss this with your study supervisor.
  • OrCam. The OrCam is an innovative mini camera that makes inaccessible information instantly accessible. It allows you to read texts on the digiboard, but it can also help you find your way around the buildings of your educational institution. Check with the UWV (Employee Insurance Agency) whether the OrCam can be (partially) reimbursed under the heading of "workplace adaptation".
  • has developed the Video Accessibility Plugin for people with audiovisual disabilities. The plug-in provides a solution for manually adjusting the settings each time you want to watch a video online. Do you need subtitles or audio description? The tool automatically turns it on for you if these are available. The free plug-in can be installed on your computer with one click and only needs to be set up once. Click here for more information. 
  • With the Video Accessibility Plugin, audio description or subtitles start automatically with every video in which they are available.

Auditory impairment:

  • Annotation help from a fellow student.
  • Adapted test format, so that you can take an oral exam in written form.
  • Telecoil in different buildings or rooms.
  • has developed the Video Accessibility Plugin for people with audiovisual disabilities. The plug-in provides a solution for manually adjusting the settings each time you want to watch a video online. Do you need subtitles or audio description? The tool automatically turns it on for you if these are available. The free plug-in can be installed on your computer with one click and only needs to be set up once. Click here for more information. 
  • With the Video Accessibility Plugin, audio description or subtitles start automatically with every video in which they are available.

Motor disability:

  • Laptop, speech and reading software.
  • Babbage offers solutions for people with motor disabilities in work, study or home situations. They do this by deploying assistive technology and specialist services.
  • There are also facilities for adapted tests, such as extra time or enlargements of a test or exam. 

Reading restriction / Dyslexia:

  • Babbage offers solutions to people with reading disabilities in work, study or home situations. They do this by deploying assistive technology and specialist services.

How do I get in touch with other students with special needs?