
Characteristics of language or speech problems

When you have a language or speech disorder, you may have difficulty with practical lessons or working groups, giving presentations, oral exams or completing an internship. This may result in a study delay.

This is what I deal with

Obstacles faced by students with language or speech problems

As a student with language or speech problems, you may find yourself facing a variety of obstacles:

  • Problems taking part in education. You may have trouble taking effective notes during lectures. Preparing for lectures can present an obstacle as well, because you will need to read texts more often than other students in order to understand their meaning.
  • Problems with tests/exams and assignments. It can be difficult for you to take tests or exams, for instance when a test or exam involves a lot of reading. You might need adjustments in order to take the test or attend class in a way that works for you.
  • Anxiety and stress. Because you need so much time to study, you feel pressure in connection with deadlines. This can cause tension and stress. You are often afraid to make a mistake, which could present as fear of failure and/or a fear of tests.
  • Social skills. It is possible that – because of your problems with language or speech – you have trouble communicating with fellow students and lecturers or communicating in large groups and/or crowded (noisy) spaces.
  • Lack of energy. You have to expend a lot of energy and effort in order to communicate. You may also need a long time to study because you struggle with reading (or reading comprehension) and because you have difficulty writing.

Even though these obstacles may cause difficulties, you can rest assured that more than enough tools and solutions are available that can help you successfully complete your degree programme. In the preceding section, click on the obstacle you are facing with which you could use some help. You can then read a lot more about that topic and find additional tips and tools. If your specific obstacle is not mentioned above, please refer to the comprehensive list of obstacles.

What facilities, adjustments and regulations are there specifically for me?

This is what I might need

Support and facilities for students with language or speech problems

A variety of adjustments and/or facilities are available that may be helpful to you during your degree programme. While there are national schemes, your educational institution will offer its own forms of additional support, too.

As a student with a language or speech problem, you might have a need for the following:

  • Guidance and advice. Some educational institutions have a buddy system. In most cases, a buddy is a senior student. They can help you with things like creating a study schedule or improving your study skills. You can also ask your study adviser if they can help you with your studies.
  • Educational aids. This might include a laptop or text-to-speech/dictation software. There are also facilities for adjusted testing, such as extra time or a larger font. Examples of educational aids can be found on this page under ‘Tips’.
  • Study materials. Maybe you need support in the form of accessible study and course materials.

Have a look at the other facilities that might be helpful for you, too.

Where can I get help at my educational institute?


Do not wait to ask for help


Every student is different, and every individual needs a different type of help. It is important to explore the options and find what works for you. Do not be afraid to ask for help at the first signs of trouble. Asking for help is actually a sign of strength, because it lets others know how much you want to succeed in your degree programme. Talk to a study adviser for your programme and ask them about the possibilities available to you. It is a good idea to take a moment first to write down what you need and what kind of support you think would be helpful to you. You should immediately seek help if you run into obstacles to your education because of your special needs. Together, you can explore whether this might affect rules such as the binding study advice (BSA) or the attendance requirement and how they apply to you.

Inform your fellow students and lecturers


Not every fellow student and lecturer you meet will know how to respond to problems with language or speech or know how you prefer to communicate. You may find it beneficial to inform them of your situation.


Through the tool 'Hulpwijzer'[Help Guide], you can find organisations that have expertise on your support needs. Check out the possibilities.

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